Monday, March 30, 2015

Getting Protein as a Vegetarian

Getting Protein as a Vegetarian

In my own life I have attempted to be as healthy as possible.  I try to get plenty of rest, exercise daily, and avoid toxic habit such as smoking, substance abuse, and excessive alcohol.  But the best way to be healthy is through proper diet.

I have chosen to be eat a whole foods diet to be more sustainable and healthy.  I eat foods that are minimally processed and come from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, sustainable, free-range or wild meats, and low fat dairy.

Because I have a diet that is made up of whole foods it is difficult to always get the amount of protein that is needed to keep me sustained.  I eat meat-free most days of the week.  

According to I should be eating 5 oz equivalents of protein on a daily basis. This is confusing so I looked  to the equivalents and according to that means "1 ounce of meat, poultry or fish, ¼ cup cooked beans, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, or ½ ounce of nuts or seeds can be considered as 1 ounce equivalent from the Protein Foods Group" (  So I don't necessarily have to eat meat to get my protein.


Some vegetables have more protein that meat does which makes it easy for me.


My goals are to start including more of these protein rich foods into every meal so that I can get the right amount of protein on a daily basis.  An egg at breakfast, potato and broccoli at lunch, bananas after my workout, and beans, quinoa and green leafy veggies at dinner.

I plan to use some of the following recipes to help me with my protein intake and maintain my daily intake of vegetables and whole grains along with low fat dairy.

 Roasted-Vegetable Lasagna Recipe

Sesame Barley with Greens and Teriyaki Tofu Recipe

 Sesame Garlic with Greens and Teriyaki Tofu

 Rustic Chard, Potato, and Goat Cheese Tart Recipe
Rustic Chard Potato and Goat Cheese Tart


Nutrition. (n.d.) Protein Foods. Retrieved from

My Recipes. (n.d.) Meatless. Retrieved from 

USHCGShots. (March 18, 2013). Meatless Protein Sources for Vegetarians. Retrieved from

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