Monday, March 30, 2015

The Food-Health Connection

The Food-Health Connection

Food is medicine.  I have felt this for most of my life.  If you feed your body the nutrients that it needs to constantly replenish the stores that are being used to renew your body daily, your body will continue to be healthy.  Some of the most important nutrients your body needs are "water, carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals" (Sizer and Whitney, 2013).  Without these nutrients your body isn't getting enough to replenish the nutrients used as fuel on a daily basis leading to malnutrition.  

In addition to receiving the proper nutrition it is also important to make healthy choices regarding lifestyle choices.  Not smoking, avoiding substance abuse, and alcohol can all contribute to a healthier body.  By making these choices starting at an early age chronic diseases can be avoided.  According the the Centers for Disease Control the most common causes of death from chronic disease that relate to poor nutrition were heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes (Sizer & Whitney, 2013).  By eating for a healthy lifestyle these chronic diseases can be avoided.

The Center for Disease Control also had these statistics to share:

  • Obesity is a serious health concern. During 2009­–2010, more than one-third of adults, or about 78 million people, were obese (defined as body mass index [BMI] ≥30 kg/m2). Nearly one of five youths aged 2–19 years was obese (BMI ≥95th percentile.

  • About half of US adults (47%) have at least one of the following major risk factors for heart disease or stroke: uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled high LDL cholesterol, or are current smokers. Ninety percent of Americans consume too much sodium, increasing their risk of high blood pressure.
  • In 2011, more than one-third (36%) of adolescents said they ate fruit less than once a day, and 38% said they ate vegetables less than once a day . In addition, 38% of adults said they ate fruit less than once a day, and 23% said they ate vegetables less than once a day. 


What are the characteristics of a healthy diet?

  1. Balance - Your diet should be balanced.  Foods are full of certain nutrients.  Makes sure that the diet you eat contains all the necessary needed for your health.  Do not fill up on one kind of food and forget about the other foods. Putting the emphasis on just one vitamin or mineral is not healthy.
  2. AdequacyYour diet should contain an adequate amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary to replace those used up on a daily basis.
  3. Calorie Control -  Calorie intake should not be more than is used.  Unused calories become stored in the body as fat that can cause chronic disease.
  4. Moderation Everything in moderation.  Eating certain fats and sugars must be kept to a moderate level to maintain a healthy body.  It does not mean total abstinence just small amounts occasionally.
  5. Variety - Eating only a few foods all the time does not insure that you are getting the correct amount of what you need.  It can also cause toxins to build up your body.  Varying your diet ensures that you are getting the nutrients that you need.
Why People Choose Food                                             Image result for pictures of people eating

The food we choose to eat says a lot about who we are.  Our "tastes, personality, family and cultural traditions, lifestyle and budget" (Sizer & Whitney, 2013) all play a part in what foods we choose to eat.  The main reason we eat is hunger.  

Social & Cultural:
The availability of foods in a certain area dictate the foods that are eaten.  Also cultural beliefs and social customs can help to determine food choices. 
Some people choose food based on how it makes them feel.  If a certain food makes them feel happy they will turn to that food.  Other foods may turn people off because of a bad experience with that food.  Taste, texture, and look also play an important role in make the choice of foods.

People have certain values or beliefs that help them make food choices.  If someone is making a political or environmental statement they may choose not to eat foods manufactured by a certain company or with certain ingredients.  Or they may choose to be a vegetarian based on honor towards animals.
Availability of food and the nutrients provided are the most important reason to choose the foods that we do. Choosing foods that provide us with a healthy diet is the most important decision to eat the foods we eat.

Food is an essential part of life and it influences our health today and in the future.


Center for Disease Control. (2012). Chronic Disease and Health Promotion. Retrieved from

Webmart. (January 30, 2015). Fruits Vegetables & Healthy Food for a Healthy Life. Retrieved from

Sizer, F. & Whitney, E. (2013).  Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies (13th ed.).  Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

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